Recovering from losing my voice

I have to apologize for not posting on my site. It’s been quiet…literally. I lost my voice 8 months ago and am still healing. I wasn’t certain what to write and was hoping for a quick recovery, however, it didn’t happen. I’ve had to cancel many venues since the summer including my scheduled television appearance on 100 Huntley St.

I’ve seen several ENT specialists and am now meeting for speech therapy on a weekly basis. I’m happy to report that I don’t have any polyps or lesions on my vocal cords but I do have a muscle tension disorder. I’m told that with an injury like mine, singers tense up restricting the movement of muscles in the throat to protect them from further injury. Only this reflex greatly hinders the healing process. There has been improvement but it’s been slow.

Looking back I understand now that I put a lot of strain on my voice. I’d been working in radio, spending most of my afternoons on the phone, recording a new album, touring weekends and touring two week stretches as well with much travelling and not enough rest. Kind of reminds me of what Rick Warren said in his book “Purpose Driven Life”, “We’re called to be human beings, not human doings.”

This down time has allowed me to reflect on what’s truly important. I’ve enjoyed sitting quietly at home in devotion. I’ve also had the pleasure of spending uninterrupted time with my wife and children. I’ve also taken up guitar building and I’m super pumped to finish my first handmade custom guitar.

I want to thank the many folks who have prayed for me continually and have helped encourage me in many ways. No doubt I have the best of friends a man could have. Please keep praying for me to make a full recovery and I certainly anticipate singing a new song in the days ahead.

Thank you and God richly bless you.


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Ted Lynch

Ted tells a tremendous true story of how a broken life can be transformed. He is that life.

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